Domain Redirection

Domain Redirection.

A website can be redirected using different mothods and techniques. you can also use Cpanel redirection, forwarding or http redirection or such to move your domain or site to another domain or url.

For domain redirection, kindly forward the details to our support to help you redirect that.Our client are is not connected to allow you to redirect by your self at the moment

To redirect a hosting using a cpanel, you have to login to the cpanel, under domain segment, then click on redirects icon.

The redirection page apear with options like Types,
 https?://(www.)?, on the upper part.

You can select the url to redirct or select **All Public Domains** to redirect the whole site.

Redirects to:  is the new destination, where the site or the url should be redirected to.

www. redirection: is having different options bellow:

Only redirect with www.

Redirect with or without www.

Do Not Redirect www.

The recommended option is Redirect with or without www.

Note that this can be set to suit your need.

Then add button.

You are successfully added a redirection and can be deleted form the same page using the delete key by the right side of the added redirection records.
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